Tuesday, September 18, 2012

#5 Student Choice- My Classroom

Ward Speedway

I recently had the realization that I have never taken pictures of my classroom even though I've taught 4 years! As with every year of teaching, my classroom has evolved just like my instruction. Since I spend a lot of time there, I try to make it warm and inviting for my students and me :)

     My classroom theme is racing, not because I'm a race fan, not even a closet one, but because the theme of teamwork can be easily thread throughout all the decorations and displays. Plus, I like the colors black, red, and white. Deanna will even tell you that every powerpoint/keynote presentation I make is black, red, and white. I guess it has become a part of me.

The picture above is a snapshot of four different areas in my classroom. The top left (Quadrant II for all you math teachers ;) is the wall outside my classroom. I think it's important to have an area where students can display their work, and also view other classmates' work. The top right is a reading/partner work area in my classroom. This year, I wanted to create nooks for students to work independently or with a partner. The more professional development I do, the more I realize the students in my class need a change of scenery just like I do during 8 hour workshops. The bottom left is the classroom library. Students can read/work there when they are finished with their work, or during Read to Self, Read to Someone, or Work on Writing stations. Lastly, the bottom right shows my classroom curtains, checkerboard of course, and a "Platinum Math Club" display that shows the names of students in all three math periods that have passed specific fact tests. There are five tests students must pass to become a Platinum Math member in my class.

 This is the sign outside of my classroom door. When I made it, I wanted parents/students to know where my classroom was because at the time, I was the only fifth grade teacher on the fourth grade hall.  The top right picture is a partial view of the partner work area and the computers where the students can work on various activities or silent read. The morning work board is where I post assignments that need to be completed before 1st period, and I also post activities that will be completed during each station rotation. The math meeting board is where I've posted

This is the area outside my classroom door. The bookshelf is for students to have a book to read while they wait in the hallway before class starts at 7:30. In the new wing of the school where my classroom is located, the students have the luxury of a locker. They absolutely love the storage...and so do I! The bottom picture is of all my math manipulatives and other materials for reading.

One picture I want to highlight is the bottom right. This year, the class has learned about being a "bucket filler". We discussed it during the first week of school, and students write notes to "fill someone's bucket" during the week. On Fridays, I let the students check their buckets.

This past week I put up these racecar bags on the lockers for students to put their library books inside. They work as book boxes, and students have quick access to them when they need them. For example, when we go to library, students grab their book bags and library cards and can quickly head out the door. The students can also grab their book bags when they read somewhere in the room. Of course, they are adorned with checkered flags to coordinate with the theme...thanks Oriental Trading :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I LOVE your racing theme! Your classroom looks GREAT! If I were in 5th grade I would want to be in your class :)
