Tuesday, December 11, 2012

#22: The Deppilf Classroom

    Ok..that was my attempt to be funny. If you didn't get it, well....keep looking.

    The flipped classroom is an education reform topic that intrigues me. So much, in fact, that I decided to write my research paper about it. As I collected my research, so much of the framework and reasoning behind this class model makes sense to me. The information I've posted below is a brief summary of the flipped classroom.

  • Video #1: Aaron Sams and Jon Bergman are credited with the "flipped classroom". Below is a video explaining the driving forces behind their decision to "flip" and an example of the software program, Camtasia, that they used to create their vodcasts for students. 

  • Video #2: This is a model of the flipped classroom. I REALLY like the way the information is presented, and I LOVE the clever use of the illustrations. 

   This is another visual model that provides a great, brief overview of flipped instruction. 

  • The Flipped Classroom- This is the ppt I created about the flipped classroom from my research. It includes the basic framework, driving force, benefits, barriers, technology, and administrative roles associated with the classroom model. 

I hope after reading this, you start to "flip" out about flipped classrooms. Sorry...had to. 

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