Sunday, October 14, 2012

#13- Student Choice-  10 Teacher Facts That Will Make You Proud

  Ok, maybe we don't ALWAYS fee like a super teacher. Recently, after a few hard, busy weeks, I needed a teacher pick me up. This job can really drain you mentally and emotionally....and let's all be honest, financially, if you're not careful, and unfortunately, I had several nights of being drained. So, I started in search of validation for my efforts, late nights, and caffeine addiction. I came across this website with "10 Teacher Facts That Will Make You Proud".  The facts are the result of data compiled from 10,000 public school teachers that participated in a survey for Primary Sources, a joint publication effort between Scholastic and Bill and Melinda Gates. Take a look for yourself....go ahead, feel validated!

1. Teachers aren't passing the buck.
2. Teachers are working just as hard as everyone else. (No duh.)
3. Teachers said that tenure should not protect ineffective teachers.
4. Teachers aren't hanging around gossiping in the teacher's lounge. (What is a teacher's lounge? We only have a copy room....)
5. Teachers aren't opposed to standardized testing. Teachers just think there are better ways to assess student learning.
6. Teachers worry about basing so much on tests that students don't take all that seriously.
7. Teachers aren't afraid of evaluations.
8. Teacher's believe that our teaching skills will teach for themselves. (Boo-yah.)
9. Teachers see our students coming to us with more challenges than before. (AMEN.)
10. Teachers aren't in this profession for the money.

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